
We have found the following links to be useful in our travels and travails as software programmers and developers. Perhaps you will as well. If you find a link has expired, a common occurrance on this World Wide Web of ours, please let us know.

    Macromedia (a.k.a. the mothership)
    Maricopa Director Web (home of the Direct-L mailing list)
    UpdateStage (the place to get the Xtras you need)
    DOUG (Director OnLine User's Group) (a great resource for Director & Flash programmers)
    BUDAPI Web Site (home of Gary Smith's essential Xtra)
    Noise Crime Productions (just who is that NoiseCrime anyway?)
    Smoke and Mirrors (Jim Collins' wonderful site, great puzzles)
    Developer Dispatch (Gary Rosenzweig of Clever Media)
    Penworks (home of Lingo-L & Tab Julius)

Web Development :
    Dreamweaver at Macromedia
    Dreamweaver Depot
    Massimo's Dreamweaver Corner
    World Wide Web Consortium (all things HTML)
    The JavaScript Source (great place to find JS snippets) - Jakob Nielsen's Website (more than you ever wanted to know about UI)
    Matt's Script Archive (tons-o-scripts)
    The CGI Resource Index (great place to get CGI script help)

Math reference sites:
    The Math Forum (home of Ask Dr. Math)
    Math Search (search a collection of over 200,000 math documents on the web)
    Math For Morons Like Us (the name says it all)


Visual C++ and MFC:
    MFC Professional