by Al Hospers
Powerpoint is a very popular program used by small and large businesses
for creating and playing back standard slideshow-style presentations.
It is generally thought of as being easier to use by the average person,
than Director. While Director is more powerful, PowerPoint is certainly
more ubiquitous. With version 6.5 Macromedia created an Xtra which allows
you to convert a Powerpoint presentation to a Director movie. However
it only works with version 4 Powerpoint files and it has a variety of
other problems. Unfortunately these problems have not really been addressed
in the latest upgrade to Director 7. While you can simply launch a Powerpoint
presentation from Director, this brings up a number of other issues that
we need not go into here. Therefore, for most purposes it would be much
more elegant to be able to integrate a Powerpoint presentation into Director,
and to control that presentation directly from buttons on the stage.
code we are going to discuss in this article uses the BUDAPI Xtra to launch
the Powerpoint Viewer and manipulate the Windows system in order to embed
the Powerpoint presentation right on the stage. It uses a lot of calls
to BUD, so you won't be able to run it from a projector unless you purchase
the full version, but you should be fine running it in Director authoring
wrapped the code in a behavior to make it easy to use. You simply drop
it onto the button you use to launch the presentation. It pops up some
questions, which you answer, and away you go. The example
movie (PC format only), contains everything you need to get started,
including a sample Powerpoint presentation. Most of the code is
commented, but here are some notes on the more interesting sections.
BeginSprite handler contains a bunch of stuff, but the
meat is in the following routines.
-- we find the Powerpoint Viewer
set pPptExe = FindViewer()
We find
it we try to open it, and if successful, we embed the Viewer on the stage.
if OpenFile(me, pPptFile) then
pp_Wait -- wait a bit
end if
let's look at a part of the FindViewer handler. Since
we don't know where the Powerpoint Viewer is on the user's machine, we
have to find it. First we look in the system registry. If it's not there,
we try to get the system to tell us where it is.
-- check for a viewer in the registry
if baFileExists( pptExe ) = 0 then
set pptExe = baReadRegString¬
\app paths\ppview32.exe","","",¬
end if
If you
want to do much of this kind of stuff in Windows you will want to spend
some time getting a handle on the system registry. It really is the only
way to find out this kind of information.
-- if we don't find it, try for the PowerPoint
-- app
if baFileExists( pptExe ) = 0 then
set pptExe = baFindApp( "ppt" )
-- we found it, now add "/s" to run it
-- as a slideshow
if pptExe <> EMPTY then set pptExe = pptExe &
" /s"
end if
end if
Now that we know where the Powerpoint Viewer is, we can open it in the
OpenFile handler. Of course we need to pass it the path
that we got in FindViewer. The cool things here is the repeat loop that
checks to see if the program has actually opened and waits till the actual
window is open (or 15 seconds) until it does. If not it pops up an error
message, using BUD to do it in real Windows style, and then sets the return
value. This takes care of running the Viewer on really slow machines that
tale a loooong time to open Viewer.
-- did it open OK?
if baRunProgram( pPptExe && pPptFile, "normal",¬
)> 32 then
repeat while FindWindow() = VOID
if the timer > 60 * 15 then
set result = FALSE
return result
end if
end repeat
-- return successful open
set result = TRUE
baMsgBox( "Couldn't open file!", "File
"Exclamation", "OK", 1 )
set result = FALSE -- unsuccessful open
end if
opened the Powerpoint Viewer, so now we need a handle to the Viewer window
so that we can control it. The FindWindow handler
deals with this and it's really neat. We use BUD to get a list of the
windows matching the Powerpoint Viewer window "class." This
is real system-level stuff. .
set wndList = baWindowList( "screenClass",¬
"PowerPoint", false )
if count( wndList ) > 0 then¬
set hWnd = getAt( wndList,1)
we've got the handle to the window of the Powerpoint Viewer, we can put
it where we want it. And of course that's on the stage. The EmbedViewer
handler does this work and the key code is in the following three lines:
-- move the window to the correct location
baMoveWindow( ppWindow, leftPosition, topPosition,¬
Width, Height, FALSE )
-- set the stage so it won't stay on top
baSetWindowState( baWinhandle(), "DontStayOnTop" )
-- make the Powerpoint window stay on top of the stage
baSetWindowState( ppWindow, "StayOnTop" )
that the Viewer is "embeded" on the stage we need to control
it, right? I mean, it's no fun if it just sits there <grin>. Since
there are unfortunately no "hooks" to the Viewer to control
it directly, we have to use the kluge of passing it keystrokes to make
it do what we want. The following two handlers illustrate how this is
done. First the general landler that sends the key commands.
on SendKeys me, keys
-- sends keys to the powerpoint viewer
-- makes the viewer the active window,
-- waits a bit, then sends the keys
-- make the Viewer the active window so
-- it will accept the keys
pp_Wait me
handler actually gets called by a On MouseUp handler
that is attached to the NEXT> button on the stage. If you poke around
in the behavior you'll notice that we put the handle to the behavior object
in the global variable gPowerpointBehavior at the end of the BeginSprite
handler. Without this we would not be able to access the handlers in the
PowerpointBehavior object.
on NextSlide me
-- go to the next slide
SendKeys(me, "{RIGHT}" )
Those are the hilights.
Now for the recap...
So that's
pretty much the whole thing. Of course there are other handlers, so take
the time look through the code yourself. Try this same concept with other
applications. It should work with Acrobat, Word, Excel, and lots of other
programs. Just give them a try.
this is just a demo, a proof-of-concept. While I have used it in commercial
applications, you may find various anomalies on different machines that
I have not personally tested it on. This code is provided to you as-is,
with absolutely no warranties of any kind and WE ARE UNABLE TO PROVIDE
Additional Notes and Links
If you don't
already have them, you'll need 2 additional programs to run this demo,
the Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer '97 and the BuddyAPI Xtra. Here's where
you get them:
You may want
to check out a good article on DOUG
(The Director OnLine User's Group) site by Fred
Bals, of Quantic
Communications. It gives a slightly different viewpoint to this whole
process and discusses the option of using an ActiveX control to accomplish
the same thing. The article is in the Techniques section and is called
in a Window.
The Powerpoint
Viewer supports a number of command-line parameters that are sometimes
useful to use when you launch the viewer. Here they are:
advance /A or /a
Slide range /R=n-m or /r=n-m where n<=m
Loop continuously /L or /l
Print /P or /p for printing file
Kiosk password /K or /k for setting a kiosk mode for file
Macro virus dialog box /V or /v for showing the macro virus dialog box